Nobel Prize Winners 2019


Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed Ali
"In the wake of the peace process with Eritrea, [he] has engaged in other peace and reconciliation processes in East and Northeast Africa."


Peter Handke
"For an influential work that with linguistic ingenuity has explored the periphery and specificity of human experience."

Also, because the 2018 announcement was cancelled due to allegations within the Swedish Academy, Olga Tokarczuk was awarded this year.
"For a narrative imagination that with encyclopedic passion represents the crossing of boundaries as a form of life."


John B. Goodenough
M. Stanley Whittingham
Akira Yoshino
"For the development of lithium-ion batteries."


James Peebles
"For theoretical discoveries in physical cosmology."

Michael Mayor and Didier Queloz
"For the discovery of an exoplanet orbiting a solar-type star."


William Kaelin Jr.
Sir Peter J. Ratcliffe
Greg L. Semenza
"For their discoveries of how cells sense and adapt to oxygen availability."


Abhijit Banerjee
Esther Duflo
Michael Kremer
"For their experimental approach to alleviating global poverty."

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