
Showing posts with the label Biff

Birthday Biff

  I came across some notes of my dad's I had packed away and I thought this would be a good mission for the day.   From 1970. He took "Borealis" from this song for one of his band names. I remember he used this album to show me how the sound moves from left to right, how it fills your whole head when positioned correctly (or wearing headphones). Some songs you hear over and over again, but not this one. I might personally choose "Gimme Shelter" from Let it Bleed but.... Cheers, Pa.

Music Tasting 23

 A belated collection for Pa's birthday. He would make Facebook posts titled "Spinning Tonight" to share what he was listening to.  Every now and then I keep that tradition going, especially on his birthday. My sister and her hubby came over, so we each made an album choice. Anthrax - Among the Living Sevendust Sick Puppies - Tri-Polar And some Johnny Cash. It still hits me when I hear something new, I want to run and tell him to listen, I want to know if he likes it as much as I do.  He inspired such a love of music in us, his daughters, and he fostered what we loved.  He bought me so much Metallica... For you, Pa.

Music Tasting 6

Today's music is for my Pa, who would be 64 today. Among his favorites: On his Fandalism account he answered this: "You're stuck on a desert island and only get to bring one album with you.  What do you pick?" Beatles White Album.


BIFFER MINISTRIES Doctrine:  That anyone who plays, enjoys, or understands music can enjoy everlasting life. Precepts:  1. Belief in Rock and Roll as the gospel signifying good news. 2. Belief in long hair as portrayed by Jesus Christ. 3. Belief in that the Beatles were the resurrected singers of the Psalms. 4. Belief in that everyday is a good day. 5. Belief in that Rock and Roll will never die. 6. Belief in that a musician who plays from the heart hears the music he plays, and he plays it with love. I wanted to share this religion that Pa started - he became ordained through the Universal Life Church and even officiated a few marriages as Reverend Biff. Yesterday was the 4th anniversary of his passing, and I felt it necessary to celebrate him on my own blog.  A friend commented about the thought of losing the people who molded you....and there is an emptiness.  So much of who I am is because of my dad - but with that, there's al...