Science is Fun Fridays!
Researchers from The Australian National University conducted an experiment with dolphins using music.
It may not seem surprising that these playful animals are attracted to the high-pitched frequencies of several instruments, including the flute, piccolo, and the Indian wooden recorder. They responded to high-pitched singing as well.
Flutist Sally Walker said a pod appeared just minutes after she started playing.
"High frequencies and particular intervallic distances between notes seemed to draw the dolphins in and excite them, and staff of the Imagine boat said that we had seen an unusually large number of dolphins both in the port and out to sea."
The dolphins can be heard Here
Dr. Olivia de Bergerac believes that we can communicate with dolphins through music.
"Dolphins are highly intelligent creatures and can sense our thoughts, feelings, state of being and send us sounds to heal us."
The next step in the study is to investigate the possibility of interacting directly with the dolphins via the hydrophone and seeing what sounds they are most receptive to.
They intend to play music through an underwater speaker to test whether it influences how the dolphins interact with and respond to the music and musicians, compared to when the musicians played above water.
"Maybe they're simply attracted to the novelty of someone standing on the bow and serenading them."