Flag Day


On this day in 1777, Congress adopts the Stars and Stripes.

It was based on the Grand Union flag carried by the Continental Army in 1776, which had the 13 stripes along with the Union Jack in the corner.

Also representing the original 13 colonies, the stars formed "a new Constellation."

Since it's Pride Month, let's look at another flag.

(Google celebrates if you search for it).

First created in 1978 by Gilbert Baker (commissioned by Harvey Milk), each line represents a different part of the community: hot pink for sex, red for life, orange for healing, yellow is sunlight, green is nature, turquoise is for magic and art, indigo serenity, and violet is the spirit of the LGBTQ+ people.

After Milk was assassinated, demand for the flag was high.  Due to manufacturing issues, the hot pink had to be removed, and Baker chose to have turquoise removed.  The six color flag has flown for 40 years now.

Today there are numerous flags to celebrate sexual orientation, from bisexual to polysexual.

Pride Flags

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