Science is Fun Fridays!


UCLA is the coordinating center of the National Neuropsychology Network.  The project involves compiling detailed neuropsychological data and integrating these with information from electronic health records (identifying information removed).  The data is then made available through a National Institute of Mental Health archive for study and analysis by qualified scientists.

A recent grant will allow the project to enroll new participants with an emphasis on populations that have been underrepresented in biomedical research.

"This work holds the promise of increasing equitable access and advanced understanding of neurocognitive disorders," says Professor Robert Bilder.

By databasing, they aim to identify the latent constructs measured by the neuropsychological tests and determine the most efficient measurement methods to identify these constructs, leading to more precise tests and batteries for assessment.


There are currently five clinic sites, which includes the University of Florida, Emory University, Medical College of Wisconsin, Baylor College of Medicine, and UCLA.

*Okay, so databasing isn't exactly fun, but it's important.  :-)

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