Animal Life - Turkey Tuesday

 Peach and Blossom were just pardoned by President Biden ahead of this year's Thanksgiving holiday.

This is a fairly new tradition though, with Kennedy being the first to dismiss the gift from the Turkey Federation in 1963.  They had been delivering turkeys to the president since 1947, when Truman happily ate his.

Nixon and Carter then sent their turkeys to petting zoos, and Reagan was the first to say "pardon."

So with H.W. Bush, it became an officially sanctioned White House event.

Peach and Blossom are from Minnesota, and will live out their days at Farmamerica, an agricultural interpretive center in Waseca.

The site includes two historic farmsteads, a native prairie, as well as an old one-room schoolhouse and other structures.  Visitors are taught how agriculture has evolved and how it plays a role in our lives today.


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