
Showing posts from March, 2020

My Shots - Getting Out of the House

We've taken some drives over the past couple weeks to get out of the house, some walks too.  So here are some photos from those journeys. Around the neighborhood. Black Rock Desert Walker River And puppy snuggles in the backseat.

Fashion - Céline Dion

Today is Ms. Dion's birthday, and since there is still no best dressed of the week, I figured we could look at her style over the years. 1993 1996 1999 2007 2011 2016 2017 2019 2020 Vogue Harpers Bazaar

Science is Fun Fridays!

Dean's Blue Hole in the Bahamas is the world's deepest blue hole, (approx 663 feet). This part of the ocean floor is largely limestone, and these sinkholes formed during past ice ages when the sea level was much, much lower.  Deeper groundwater gradually dissolved the limestone until the ceiling of these voids collapsed.  Over time it filled with water. If we were to view it without water, it is shaped like a vase - large mouth, which narrows as you go down, before it opens into a large cavern underneath at about 66 feet. William Trubridge holds the free dive record, reaching a depth of 302 feet without the use of fins. The Vertical Blue Free Diving Championship is held here The Bahamas Islands are along the edge of the Bermuda Triangle. Amusing Planet AtlasObscura

Music Tasting 7

Working from home and listening to my Pandora Thumbprint Radio.  It knows all the things I like, so I get quite a mix and I figured I'd share a few. Feel free to share your own!

Animal Life - Penguin Stroll

Nearly everything is being shut down due to the Coronavirus, including the Shedd Aquarium in Chicago.  So they decided to let the penguins out for a stroll. Meet Annie and Edward, a bonded pair - and Wellington is the solo stroller. You can see how very curious they are about things, instead of just running free. These are rockhopper penguins, which are among the smallest of crested penguins. Southern rockhoppers breed on the Falkland Islands and in southern Chile and Argentina. Northern rockhoppers breed on Gough Island in the southern Atlantic Ocean as well the St. Paul islands in the southern Indian Ocean. Eastern rockhoppers breed in South Africa and the Auckland islands of New Zealand. These areas have rocky beaches, and since the penguins hop to get around, they were so named rockhoppers.  They even jump into the water feet first. These penguins also use rocks for their nests, making circles to keep the eggs from rolling away.  The m...

Designer Spotlight - Siriano

There's no best dressed this week as there have been no events to attend.  We looked at Christian Siriano once before, following New York Fashion Week, which was his Fall 2020 collection.  Today we'll look at Spring/Summer 2020. Sketches are selling quick! Shop Collection

Science is Fun Fridays!

Today's Google Doodle honors Ignaz Semmelweis, an early pioneer of antiseptic procedures and hand disinfection.  A timely look back. An Austro-Hungarian physicist born July 1, 1818 - working in Vienna General Hospital in 1847, he was called "The Savior of Mothers" as his hand washing measures drastically reduced the incidence of puerperal fever.  He noticed that the mortality rate was higher with doctors than with midwives, and then realized that many doctors were coming from autopsies into the delivery room.  He proposed the use of chlorinated lime solution before examining pregnant women and the mortality rate dropped from 18% to just 2.2% over a year. His ideas weren't widely accepted until years after his death, when Louis Pasteur confirmed germ theory around 1864. Germ theory states that microorganisms known as pathogens, or germs, can lead to disease through their growth and reproduction within a host. Pasteur's pasteurization exper...

Hump Day History

March is Women's History Month, so I wanted to take a moment to look back on a woman I was lucky enough to meet. Maya Miller came to Washoe County in 1945.  She briefly taught English at the University of Nevada, Reno before having children. In the 1960's she and her husband founded the Foresta Institute for Ocean and Mountain Studies.  In 1961, they purchased the historic Washoe Pines property in Washoe Valley.  There they ran an environmental summer camp. Throughout the 1960's Maya fought for a bi-state park at Sand Harbor in Lake Tahoe to protect and ensure public access to the area.  The park was established in 1971. During the 60's Maya also fought alongside the Paiute Tribe to reclaim their water rights and save Pyramid Lake. Throughout the 70's and 80's she was involved in welfare rights.  In 1973, legislators met with the welfare group and had lunch brought in for themselves.  This became known as "The Hamburger Incident....