Science is Fun Fridays!


I came across a study which I just couldn't pass up for us today.

How do heterosexual men and women perceive women with erect nipples?

Part 1 was just viewing slides of photographs, some showing erect nipples, some not (faces were obscured to rule out facial expressions and attractiveness).  Participants were then asked to assign an emotional and physiological state to each photo - positive, negative, sexually aroused.

Men and women assigned positive emotions to photos with erect nipples, with men also assigning sexual arousal.  Surprise!!  (Not).

Part 2 wanted to look at "the effect of nipple erection on intended and expected altruism."  Participants were asked a range of questions as to whether or not they would lend a woman in a photograph $100, help her if her car broke down, or provide tutoring sessions. 

The male group was much more likely to help the women with erect nipples, especially when that would bring them in close proximity.  They found these women more deserving of altruism, and that the men expected these same women to behave more altruistically toward them.

That latter part makes me ponder on the many reported instances of men being upset when a woman rejects them, and perhaps that comes down to this perceived altruism...that if he shows interest, she will reciprocate...

The women in the study, however, did not indicate that women with erect nipples deserved more altruism.


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