World Bee Day
Other pollinators include butterflies, hummingbirds, and bats. Pollination is fundamental for the survival of our ecosystems. 90% of the world's flowering plant species depend on animal pollination along with 75% of the world's food crops and 35% of global agricultural land.
This year's theme is Bee engaged - Build Back Better for Bees
The event calls for global cooperation and solidarity to counter the threats posed by the COVID-19 pandemic to food security and agricultural livelihoods as well as prioritizing environmental regeneration and pollinator protection.
There are between 25,000 - 30,000 species of bees, and they are all under threat. Present extinction rates are 100-1,000 times higher than normal due to human impacts.
What can we do?
Buy raw honey from local farmers
Buy products from sustainable agricultural practices
Avoid pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides in your garden
Protect wild bee colonies
Sponsor a hive
Leave a water bowl outside for the bees
Help sustain forest ecosystems
Raise awareness
Angelina Jolie poses to draw attention to a UNESCO-Guerlain program called Women for Bees. They will build 2,500 hives and restock 125 million bees by 2025. They will also be training and supporting 50 women in beekeeping.
She stood covered in bees for 18 minutes, and was not stung once, largely thanks to the queen mandibular pheromone. She couldn't shower for three days, as any scents from shampoos and body wash could confuse the bees.