Book Club - March

 With the move and everything that entails, I haven't had a chance to finish this yet, so I'm still working on it.  I am more than halfway through.  The library called yesterday as I'm overdue, but I promise I'll get it back to them soon. 

The story is building up to such a reveal and I'm trying to keep all the connections straight in my head - so many characters weaving in and out of other lives.

As I did for Black History Month, I searched for short stories to read that would fall under Women's History Month.  I haven't read any yet, but this will be my go to when I need something quick.


Maybe sometime near the middle of the month we'll pick one to read together.

It's also National Barista Day, but I make my own coffee.

Okay, this morning was especially easy because it was Instant Coffee, but it's a Vietnamese brand I was gifted.  It has a very deep, earthy taste.  Recommended!

And, given the name:

Share your reads, your coffee, and maybe a song that goes along!

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