Book Club - July

 I'm finishing up the true crime collection I mentioned last month, A Rage to Kill.

I'm very much on a true crime kick, from the book to a podcast to some case file documentaries...

And next up for reading will be my second Agatha Christie, Mrs. McGinty's Dead.

Yeah, I'm clearly into murder.

Evolutionary psychologists say we're drawn to these stories because murder, rape, and theft have played a significant part in human society over our years.  It's in our nature to discover "Whodunnit" in order to understand the criminal, and to better protect ourselves.

Women tend to be more of the fanbase for true crime, and you can probably guess why - they're more likely to be a victim of murder and assault.  It's about gaining insight into killer's motives but also how victims escaped.

The downside of that is sometimes the story just reinforces the fact that you really never know....

So, what have you been reading?


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