National Book Lovers Day
I love the stacks - for the smell, and for the hidden treasures to be found.
Timely enough, I finished my Agatha Christie and I've moved on to....John Grisham.
Still on the crime beat.
The first book ever written (that we know of) is The Epic of Gilgamesh, an ancient poem from Mesopotamia carved into stone tablets.
It is considered a foundation of heroic sagas.
And it was held in the first organized library - The Library of Ashurbanipal.
Named after the last great king of the Assyrian empire, it was established in the 7th century and held thousands of clay tablets in various languages. The Dream Tablet was recently returned to Iraq.
The first book to have been written on paper is said to have come from China. The pulp was created from mulberries, hemp, bark, and even fish. A sheet of paper was then called a leaf, and once written or printed upon, it would be called a folio.
Before Gutenberg's printing press, to print was to use wooden blocks.
The Diamond Sutra of 868.
In 1832, the first book covers and book clubs came into being through rewrites of gothic horror stories: Penny Dreadfuls. Since not everyone could afford one, people would get together to read.
Shortly after this, hardback books were aimed at wealthier households, works of fine literature, while these paperbacks were considered silly.
Whatever you choose, read a book today, visit the library or bookstore, even watch an adaptation if you prefer! For the love of books!!