American Indian Heritage Month
Google is kicking off the month with a little history on North American Stickball.
Invented as a ceremonial sport by native tribes - such as Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Seminole, and Yuchi - it is one of the oldest team sports. Elder tribal leaders would organize games of Stickball to settle disputes without violence.
There are a few versions of the origin story, but it always comes down to the land animals challenging the birds to a game. Like the hare with the tortoise, they assume it will be easy, but they are defeated.
To play, grab a stick! The goal is to move the ball towards the other team's goalpost, scoring a point when hitting said goalpost. You cannot touch the ball with your hands. Various tribes continue to play the sport along with its ceremonial traditions.
Modern day field lacrosse originated from Stickball.
Alf Jacques, of the Onandaga Turtle Clan, has been making sticks for over 50 years, helping to preserve the culture. He's also an avid player himself.
The Doodle artist is Marlena Myles, a member of the Spirit Lake Dakota/Mohegan/Muskogee tribe.