Book Club - November


I finished up Midnight Frights - "The Yellow Wallpaper" was definitely the best of the bunch.

If you read along or read before, what did you think of "The Horla"?

Lovecraft believes this to be "the vanguard of a horde of extra-terrestrial organisms arrived on earth to subjugate and overwhelm mankind," and the character does ramble on about the hierarchy of nature.

Interestingly, this comment connects with a book I grabbed from the library:

The introduction discusses the possibility of life coming to Earth from other planets, knowledge being bestowed upon us.  If that much were to be true, then so could Lovecraft's theories on the darker side of that, the unknowable, perhaps unseeable, horrors.

"The Horla" was in fact an inspiration for "The Call of Cthulhu."

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