Art Class - Galerie Bernheim-Jeune


On this day in 1901, brothers Gaston and Joseph Bernheim presented 71 Van Gogh paintings, and he was finally recognized as a truly important artist.

He had died by suicide in 1890 after years of struggle with mental illness and dementia.  During his life, he only sold one painting, the above Red Vineyard.

While living in Arles beginning in 1888, he produced his sunflower series.  Nearly 100 years later, in 1987, one would sell for $40 million at a Christie's auction.

The gallery is especially noted for its 1907 retrospective of Cézanne.  Works included unfinished canvases which proved pivotal in the development of Cubism.

The brothers continued to celebrate Cubism with an exhibition titled "Italian Futurists in Paris" in 1912.

This included works from Umberto Boccioni and Gino Severini.

The gallery closed its doors in 2019.

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