National Memory Day


Memory is a process of encoding, storing, and retrieving information.


Episodic memories are the details of past events you have experienced.

Semantic memory comprises your knowledge about the world.

Procedural memory allows you to learn and execute tasks.


Working memory is what holds a limited amount of information for immediate mental use.  

Sensory memory is our perceptions of the world, and will sometimes persist in long-term memory.

Prospective memory is to recall an intention to do something, a more future-oriented memory.

The hippocampus and other parts of the medial temporal lobe are critical for many forms of memory, and the amygdala integrates emotional responses into memory.

A memory engram is the set of changes in the brain, tracing the synapse connections as they are formed and strengthened.

Research has shown that our first memories begin in the womb, but we're unable to recall them.  Most people tend to remember things from about 3-4 years old.

Retrieval is both intentional and passive, and can be cued externally.  Like Facebook reminding me when my grandpa passed away....

So today is about honoring memories, strengthening them, and supporting those with memory loss.

Today is for my grandpa and all the memories I cherish.


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