Science is Fun Fridays!


Work is underway for a seaweed farm, within a wind farm, off the coast of the Netherlands.

The area, known as Hollandse Kust Zuid, or HKZ, includes 139 wind turbines.

"The integration of seaweed cultivation with offshore wind farms offers an opportunity to resolve space constraints for the seaweed sector in coastal areas, with additional potential for atmospheric CO2 uptake," explains Professor Ana Queirós, Marine and Climate Change Ecologist.

Data from this project will help scientists further research carbon reduction and sequestration.

There's also the expected production of 13,000 pounds of fresh seaweed, a food source which is growing in popularity.  Proteins such as spirulina and chlorella contain all of the essential amino acids, and the plant also provides B12 and omega-3 fats.

I've tried a seaweed snack, and they're not bad.

A 2021 UK report suggested that the seaweed market could be worth around $10 billion by 2030, create 115,000 jobs, and deliver health benefits to the population.

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