Animal Life - Elephant Day


"World Elephant Day is a rallying call for people to support organizations that are working to stop the illegal poaching and trade of elephant ivory and other wildlife products, protect wild elephant habitats, and provide sanctuaries and alternative habitats for domestic elephants to live freely."

Patricia Sims, along with the Elephant Reintroduction Foundation, started this day of awareness back in 2012.  Sims is president of the World Elephant Society, a non-profit charity to help support the campaign.

Researchers believe the loss of habitat is the primary reason for loss of elephants in the wild.  Data suggest the geographic range of elephants fell by 30% between 2002 and 2011.  Poaching remains an issue, especially as places that demand ivory, such as China, are wealthy enough to pay top dollar.  Extreme levels of poverty in Africa means that people can often make a month's wages or more from one sale.  Loss of habitat in turn makes it easier for them to be tracked by poachers.

The African elephant is the largest of all elephant species with two genetically different subspecies: the savanna and the forest elephant.

Asian elephants have smaller ears and are smaller in general.  Only some males grow tusks, whereas male and female African elephants both grow them.

These are emotional animals, displaying joy as well as grief, and they create complex, supportive societies much like our own.  They deserve our care.


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