Button, Button, Who's Got the Button?


The National Button Society, founded in 1938, established Button Day as a celebration of collecting and crafting buttons.  While I don't intentionally collect, I do have a bag full of randoms.

It is believed that the first button can be credited to the Indus Valley Civilisation, of the Bronze Age in South Asia.  It was made from a curved shell and was used as ornamental embellishments.  

For practical purposes and design, buttons have been with us for a while.

One of the reasons I went with this today is the new book I started.

I'm not very far into it, but Gwendy has just received the button box.  As I read the description, I was picturing these kinds of buttons, not just any button - but then I realized I don't even know what a button box is! 

A musical instrument?  

I don't know, so far Gwendy's dispenses an impossible kind of chocolate, and the mysteries are left to her to figure out.  There's a button each for the 6 populated continents, and an everything button. 

Also in reading, I did finish The Vampyre by Polidori.  You can see how it set the tone for future tales.

And before I went to the library I read The Dunwich Horror by Lovecraft.  Nice surprise at the end. 

Days of the Year


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