Summer 2020
We're going to skip fashion today for the Summer Solstice, which was Saturday.
English Heritage shared a live stream to watch the sunrise at Stonehenge, but as we should expect with 2020, it was too cloudy for a good view.
When the sun appears over the horizon on the solstice, it lines up perfectly with the structure, leading many to believe that it played an important role in Druid celebrations.
Many cultures throughout history have paid close attention to the Sun, largely for its importance in agriculture and in understanding the change of seasons.
Pagans, for example, would celebrate Midsommar with bonfires to boost the Sun's energy for the growing season.
The Bighorn Medicine Wheel, built by Plains Indians, is also believed to be aligned with the summer solstice, and is thought to be the site of their ceremonial sun dance.
Archeoastronomer Jack Eddy suggests the wheel was used to predict positions of the sun and other bright stars around the solstice.