Time Traveler Day



It's officially "Pretend To Be a Time Traveler Day" so we'll start with asking where would you go if you could?  Why?  And let's not worry about any of the possible consequences of mucking about in time.

The earliest known mention of time travel is an ancient concept in Hindu mythology.

King Revaita travels far away to meet with the creator, Brahma.  When he returns to his kingdom, he realizes that much time has passed though he was only gone a short while.

Time travel is also mentioned in the Talmud and early Japanese folk tales.

In 1733, Samuel Madden wrote Memoirs of the Twentieth Century in which a guardian angel travels through time with letters from 1997 and 1998.

In 1819 Washington Irving released Rip Van Winkle, which is listed as a time travel work, but it's not quite the same as Dickens' A Christmas Carol, which was done in 1843.


The book I'm currently reading is included in the list - and as I think about it, I've actually read quite a few that have this theme, because it doesn't always happen in a sci-fi way, which is how I typically associate time travel.

Movie-wise, as noted in the opening photo, we had Back to the Future in 1985, now a Pop Icon of time travel.  The Terminator came out a year before, and when I saw that movie, the concept really messed with my head.  It's a bit more simplistic with Marty McFly.

What are some time travel movies or books that you've enjoyed??

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