Book Club - Shakespeare Read-Along (Act II)


We learn that Viola's brother, Sebastian, is alive, having been saved by the sea captain Antonio.  He thinks Viola has been drowned and his plan is to head to Orsino's court.  Antonio has much love for Sebastian and decides to join him, even though he has enemies in the court.  "That danger shall seem sport."

Malvolio catches up to Viola, as Cesario, and returns the ring Olivia gave him, but Viola says she left no ring behind.  She realizes that Olivia has been charmed by her ruse - Viola loves the Duke and he loves Olivia and now she loves Cesario!  

"O time, thou must untangle this, not I, 
It is too hard a knot for me t'untie."

Toby and Andrew are up late drinking, Feste shows up and they ask him to sing a song.  They draw Maria's attention, "What a caterwauling do you keep here?"  Malvolio overhears as well and berates them for their manners and suggests he leave if he cannot honor the lady of the house.  He even tells Maria that she should condemn this behavior as well, "if you prized my lady's favor."  But Maria likes Toby, and concocts a plan to make Malvolio the fool.

Back at the palace, Orsino requests a song from Feste so Curio goes to fetch him.  He and Viola talk of love.  He wants to know if Cesario loves, and she gives hints to imply she does love someone, of the same complexion and years of the Duke.  "She is not worth thee then...too old, by heaven."

Feste arrives and sings a song of love and death.  The duke dismisses him with pay.  He and Viola talk again, of securing Olivia's love.  

"But if she cannot love you, sir?"
"I cannot be so answered."

She tries to reason with him, suggesting if a young woman loved him as he loves Olivia, must she not be answered?  He suggests women don't love the same as men.  Theirs is an appetite whereas his is a hunger.  She tells him of a sister (herself) who knows love, and that men make declarations but women prove their love more.  And then she knows she must be off to Olivia's again.

And now we return to the scene of the prank.  Toby, Andrew and Fabian are hanging out when Maria approaches.  "Here comes the little villain... How now, my metal of India?"  They set a letter down, written to appear as Olivia's hand, and hide behind a tree as Malvolio enters.  The trick is to make him think Olivia is in love with him, and for him to respond exuberantly in her time of mourning.  They mock him as he reads through it, and when he merrily goes, Toby remarks, "I could marry this wench for this device."  Andrew agrees.

Share your favorite lines and any commentary!

We'll review Act III on Thursday.

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