Book Club - Shakespeare Read-Along (Act III)
Summary and Analysis
Scene 1 starts with Viola approaching Feste. He tells her he does not like her, and goes on to explain he is not Olivia's fool, since she will not have one until she is married, but he is "her corrupter of words." Viola offers to pay him for his wordplay for she does admire his wit.
She is then met by Toby and Andrew and she asks for admittance into Olivia's, but then she and Maria come out. Viola again tries to woo her for Orsino, which leads Olivia to apologize for her act with the ring previously. She admits to her affection for Cesario, and asks what he thinks of her. But Viola only inquires for her master, and bids adieu.
"Yet come again: for thou perhaps mayst move
That heart, which nor abhors, to like his love."
Scene 2 turns to Toby, Andrew, and Fabian. Andrew has noticed Olivia's affection for the youth, "more favours to the count's serving-man than ever she bestowed upon me." Fabian tells him she does it on purpose, to make Andrew jealous, and Toby convinces him to challenge Cesario to a duel. He goes off to write a letter. Maria arrives, and brings them along to witness Malvolio's cross-gartered yellow stockings.
Next we come to Antonio and Sebastian, now in Illyria and walking the streets. Antonio says he shouldn't be out, so they plan to meet later on for dinner, and he gives Sebastian his purse in case he sees something he wants.
Back to Olivia's garden, she and Maria are talking about Cesario, and then asking for Malvolio. As he arrives, Olivia asks, "Smil'st thou? I sent for thee upon a sad occasion." He goes on to recite the letter, to justify his appearance and behavior, but Olivia is simply baffled. She thinks he's gone mad. A servant comes in to tell her the youth has arrived. Olivia tells Maria to get Malvolio looked to, to get Toby in to help. They play it up as witchcraft and send him off to his prayers.
Andrew returns with his letter, which Toby will not be delivering to Cesario. Instead, he approaches him and tells him about Andrew's challenge. Viola asks her offence, for she does not want to fight. Toby leaves to tell Andrew of Cesario's response, saying "he will not now be pacified." Andrew no longer wants to fight, even offers his horse, so Toby returns to Cesario to say there's no remedy. The two prepare to duel. But then Antonio arrives, mistaking Cesario for Sebastian, trying to intervene. Officers arrive to arrest him for past piracy, so he asks for his purse back, but Viola of course has never seen this man. Antonio feels so betrayed. He mentions Sebastian, so now Viola knows her brother is alive!
We'll touch base on Act IV next Tuesday!