Book Club - Shakespeare Read-Along (Act IV)
This one was fairly short: Sebastian has been mistaken for Cesario by nearly everyone. Feste approaches him first, and then Andrew with Toby and Fabian. He strikes Sebastian, who is more willing to fight than his sister. But then Olivia intervenes, calls Toby an "ungracious wretch," and pulls Sebastian aside. She asks, "Would thou'dst be ruled by me!" He says he will.
We return to the prank on Malvolio, where Maria plans to dress Feste as Master Parson, Sir Topas. He has come to see the lunatic, who insists he is not mad and has been wronged. "This house is as dark as ignorance." Feste talks with himself as Sir Topas, telling himself not to speak with Malvolio, and when Sir Topas leaves, Malvolio asks Feste for ink, paper and light. Feste says he'll fetch them.
Sebastian is in Olivia's garden, wondering what the heck is going on. Is he dreaming, is he crazy, is SHE crazy? But no, she runs this household, they wouldn't listen to her if she were mad. She shows up with a priest, asking Sebastian to come along and be married. He agrees.
That they may fairly note this act of mine!"