Book Club - Shakespeare Read-Along


In light of April Fool's Day and the spirit of jokes, I figured we'd go ahead and read Twelfth Night, Or What You Will, as it's titled in my collection.

Online Source

Cast of Characters:

Orsino, Duke of Illyria
Curio and Valentine, gentlemen attending the Duke
Sebastian, her non-identical twin brother
Antonio, a sea captain
(And another unnamed sea captain)
Olivia, a rich countess
Malvolio, a steward to Olivia
Fabian, a gentleman in the service of Olivia
Feste, fool to Olivia
Maria, Olivia's gentlewoman
Sir Toby Belch
Sir Andrew Aguecheek
Lords, priests, sailors, officers, musicians, and other attendants.

We'll touch base on Act I on Thursday.

Happy Reading!

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