NYC Ballet Fall Fashion Gala


Ten years ago, Sarah Jessica Parker had an idea to pair choreographers with designers to create stage magic.  This year, Christopher John Rogers (above fashion) designed for Sidra Bell's, Suspended Animation.

Esteban Cortázar designed for Andrea Miller's, sky to hold.

And of course, those in attendance.

Diane Kruger (co-chair)

Kelsey Lu and Kerby Jean-Raymond

Laverne Cox

Miriam Miller

Claire Danes

The back gives it a touch of more.

Esteban Cortázar with Lido Pimiento

Sidra Bell with her family.

Kristin Chenoweth

Cynthia Rowley and Kit Keenan

Prabal Gurung

Melanie Hamrick

Andrea Miller

Since she couldn't make it this year, here's a throwback to a favorite from 2018.

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