Book Club - December


I came across this book in a pile saying "Take One" and thought it looked cool with the cutout.  I've also had Cloud Atlas on my list for awhile, so figured I'd run with the author.

So far, it's been an interesting twisted tale.

I've also been reading The Castle of Otranto online through the Gutenberg Archive.  It's considered the very first in gothic horror.

I started Those Who Wish Me Dead but I was not engaging at all with the introductions or the drama, so I decided to move on.  I usually like to stick with a book to the end, but I wasn't excited about picking it up, and as James Joyce said, "Life is too short to read a bad book."  That's subjective, of course, but point being - it's going back to the library.

What have you been reading lately?

Anyone want to try another holiday read-along later this month??

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