Science is Fun Fridays!

Here's an interesting animal I had never heard of!

Colugos are tree dwelling animals, who carry their young in their patagium, "a membrane or fold of skin between the forelimbs and hindlimbs on each side."  These pouches also allow the colugo to glide from tree to tree.  They are the most capable of gliding mammals.

They are close relatives to primates, and are often called flying lemurs, although they're not true lemurs.  They do not have opposable thumbs, so they climb slowly using sharp claws.

They live in the tropical forests of southeast Asia, and while very little is known about their behavior, we do know they eat leaves, flowers, sap, and fruits.

Since they are nocturnal, they have these big eyes for light collection.

These animals are threatened by habitat destruction and they are hunted for their meat and fur.

The gravely endangered Philippine Eagle considers them a favorite treat.


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